5G Fact Sheet & Training

Qualcomm products mentioned within this post are offered by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.

    Skyline of city with 5G infrastructure 

    5G is changing the way we communicate and live our lives by allowing for faster speeds, greater capacity, and higher reliability. It is revolutionizing nearly all key industries, such as healthcare, education, transportation, agriculture, tech, and much more.

    To help you better understand 5G and its use cases, Qualcomm Technologies has a wide range of resources available for individuals of all levels looking to enhance their knowledge of 5G.

    5G Fact Sheet

    If you’re looking for a quick five-minute read to gain a high-level understanding of 5G, the Qualcomm® Thinkabit Lab ™ has a fact sheet we recommend. The fact sheet outlines some of the most notable benefits of 5G and 5G’s impact on the global economy. To view the document, click below to visit the Qualcomm® Thinkabit Lab ™ website and click on “5G Resources.”

    5G Training with Industry-Leading Engineers

    If you’re looking for more in-depth training, the Qualcomm Wireless Academy (QWA) offers a wide range of 5G courses for all levels. Specifically, we offer the following:

    About the Qualcomm Wireless Academy

    The Qualcomm Wireless Academy is the educational and training branch of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Please see below for a brief overview of what we offer:

    • Flexible Learning: All courses are taught through our eLearning format, so participants may learn online and at their own pace. We can also set up live in-person or virtual training for groups of at least 15 employees.
    • Learn from the Experts: All courses are taught by industry-leading engineers from Qualcomm Technologies.
    • Diverse Course Portfolio: We offer a wide range of 5G and other wireless courses for engineers and non-engineers of all levels.

    Start learning today at qwa.qualcomm.com or email us at qwa@qti.qualcomm.com.

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