Standalone Mode vs. Non-Standalone Mode in 5G

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As 5G technology continues to revolutionize the way we connect and communicate, it is important to understand the different deployment options available. Two key terms that often come up in discussions about 5G deployment are standalone mode (SA) and non-standalone mode (NSA). In this blog, we discuss the differences between these two modes and how you can receive 5G training related to both SA mode and NSA mode with Qualcomm Academy.

Non-Standalone Mode (NSA) in 5G

NSA mode is an initial deployment option for 5G that builds upon existing 4G LTE infrastructure. In NSA mode, the 5G network relies on the 4G core network for essential functions such as authentication, mobility management, and session management. The 5G radio access network (RAN) is added to the existing 4G network, which can allow for faster data speeds and lower latency compared to 4G.

Standalone Mode (SA) in 5G

SA mode, as the name suggests, is a fully independent 5G deployment. In SA mode, both the 5G RAN and the 5G core network are deployed, enabling the full capabilities of 5G technology. SA mode allows for advanced features like network slicing, which enables the creation of virtual networks tailored to specific use cases. It also provides improved support for Internet of Things (IoT) devices and applications. SA mode is considered the ultimate goal for 5G deployment, as it unlocks the full transformative potential of 5G technology.

Key Differences Between SA and NSA in 5G

  1. Core Network: In NSA mode, the 5G network relies on the existing 4G core network, while SA mode deploys a dedicated 5G core network. This distinction allows SA mode to fully leverage the advanced functionalities and capabilities of 5G.
  2. Features and Capabilities: NSA mode can provide faster data speeds and lower latency compared to 4G, but it may not fully realize the potential of ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC) and massive machine-type communication (mMTC) that 5G promises. SA mode, on the other hand, enables the full suite of 5G features, including network slicing, improved IoT support, and enhanced reliability.
  3. Short-Term vs. Long-Term Solutions: While NSA mode offers a quicker and more cost-effective way to introduce 5G, SA mode is considered the long-term solution. SA mode provides a foundation for future innovations and use cases, ensuring that the network is ready to support emerging technologies and applications. As 5G continues to evolve, SA mode will become the standard for 5G deployments. The advanced capabilities of SA mode will help enable a wide range of transformative applications, including autonomous vehicles, smart cities, remote surgery, and immersive virtual reality experiences.

Receive 5G SA and NSA Training with Qualcomm Academy

At Qualcomm Academy, our experienced engineers teach a wide range of 5G courses that focus on both SA and NSA mode. All courses are online, self-paced, and come with one year of unlimited course access. Browse through our course catalog to find specific 5G-related topics that fit your needs.

We also offer a comprehensive and technical 5G Associate-Level Certification with special tracks for both SA and NSA mode. If you’re looking to gain an industry-ready technical certification to help advance your career, we recommend looking into this program.

About Qualcomm Academy

Qualcomm Academy is the educational and training branch of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Please see below for a brief overview of what we offer:

  • Flexible Learning: All courses are taught through our eLearning format, so participants may learn online and at their own pace. We can also set up live in-person or virtual training for groups of at least 15 employees.
  • Learn from the Experts: All courses are taught by industry-leading engineers from Qualcomm Technologies.
  • Diverse Course Portfolio: We offer a wide range of 5G and other courses for engineers and non-engineers of all levels.

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